Tuesday, June 24, 2008

New Work

The past couple of days I've been trying to get some more work in on my paintings and drawings.  Pictured above is a piece that I started a couple of weeks ago.  It is moving along, but still has a ways to go.  

I've also started up on a new drawing (pictured above) that is about 12" x 12" square.  I'm not very far into this one yet, so it still has a lot of work left.  But, I'm excited about the space in the piece and the overall composition possibilities.

On another note, while in Kyoto I purchased a woodblock print by Ando Hiroshige.  This is an actual, real print that was a second edition print by Hiroshige- his originals can go for $50,000.  It was more than likely printed by someone else, but still crafted by Hiroshige.  I checked to make sure this was authentic before I bought it and not just an inkjet print or something equivalent.  I'm pretty excited by this, because he is one of the many reasons I wanted to visit Japan and I've been really inspired by his work.    


JP said...

First drawing is crazy. I'm looking forward to seeing more of your work.

Chris Beers said...

way to push that light source.
The space feel pretty good too.
But, don't forget to address the ground.