Tuesday, June 3, 2008

First Meal

My first meal in Tokyo last night was a bit of a surprise.  I went to a non-English-speaking restaurant, which was close by the ryokan.  After looking extensively through the translated english menu, I chose to go with 'Rice with salmon roe'.  I thought to myself, "I like salmon- this should be a safe bet."  This is what was brought out to me and the waitress explained through gestures what was on the bottom left, soy sauce and wasabi.  I couldn't help but looking at what was in the bowl, let alone be concerned with what to do with everything.  After a few seconds, I figured it out- salmon fish eggs on top of rice.  I have to admit, I am the pickiest eater in the world.  But, after some trepidation I dug in and thoroughly enjoyed my bowl of rice and fish eggs.  I-ta-da-ki-mas!  (Bon appetit)

The view inside the restaurant.  Because I was alone, I ate at the 'bar'.

The walk home, I stumbled on a well-lit outdoor market selling everything from tourist trinkets to women's handbags.


One of the many ubiquitous vending machines, selling anything from hot and cold drinks to full meals and t-shirts.


Megan said...

That's awesome. I made that exact thing for dinner last night - hmmmmm.... Oh, and I'll take a handbag, too.

JP said...

Those vending machines have coffee?

JP said...

I was told while you were in Asakusa you should try a dish called Unagi (cooked eel over rice). Supposed to be sweet and salty and good.